Friday, May 18, 2012

Yellow Is Not Mellow

I was doing a quick run through Home Goods when I spotted this:

Now I know chevron has been done and probably overused but I don't care...I like it...and my phone does not do the color justice. It's a warm golden yellow and it really brightens up my foyer:

I scotch guarded the bejesus out of it but at $29.99 I won't cry to hard if it doesn't have a long clean life.

The color in this rug is perfect with my pale yellow walls in the house and the brighter version of yellow in Brian's office which is behind the sliding panels.

Yes, that is a LSU of many in that room.

Ever since I saw this room, I have dreamed of having some version of this:


Source: via Elena on Pinterest
But that would require so much more scotch guard!


  1. What? Chevron is overused? Please don't tell that to my blog header it will really hurt her feelings. I love your runner and would have run off with that too. I was just there but of course missed that, darn it. Looking good, lady!

  2. Love that hot little number!!!!

  3. We need to see more pics of your house ;)
